Why Learn a Foreign Language to Do Business in a Global Marketplace Dominated by English?

Why Learn a Foreign Language to Do Business in a Global Marketplace Dominated by English?

Language Services Direct Team

It is a truth universally acknowledged that English is undoubtedly the international language of business, and we explore that fact in more detail in this article. More than 1.5 billion people speak English as their first or second language, and English is likely to dominate the business world for the foreseeable future. With this in mind, you could be forgiven for wondering why you would commit time and effort to learning a second or third language to do business, when your international colleagues may be able to communicate with you in English quite adequately. Well, read on for our thoughts… 

Improving Business Relationships 

The most important reason to learn the language of the country you want to do business with is the immeasurable benefits it will bring to your business relationships. The fact that you are making the effort to learn the language of your business associates speaks volumes about you. Learning their language shows your colleagues courtesy, and that you respect them enough to spend the time and energy on improving your communication skills. It shows that your company values business relationships enough to commit resources to language training and professional development. Speaking your colleagues’ language fosters trust, rapport and collaboration. It breaks down communication barriers and improves productivity and job satisfaction. All of these positive aspects not only benefit you individually but your company as a whole. There are no downsides! 

Encouraging Cultural Appreciation 

Linguists will tell you that a country’s language speaks volumes (pun intended!) about its culture. Perhaps the language in question has formal or informal ways of addressing people, or different terms of greetings that are appropriate in different contexts. Perhaps gender is represented in a certain way in your new language. Maybe there is an abundance of words for different foods or weather patterns, implicitly showing what is important in that culture. All of these give insights into the society that you want to understand (and perhaps even live in if your office is relocating or expanding overseas). 

Enhancing your cultural understanding by learning another language helps you to navigate business etiquette. You can reduce the possibility of misunderstandings and cultural faux pas. You will improve your knowledge of that country’s cultural identity and behaviours. And you will know when your colleagues will be away from their desks celebrating different national holidays! 

Fluency in your chosen second language means that business lunches and dinners will no longer be a minefield of uncertainty about what you have actually ordered from the menu. You would not need to be concerned about the social norms to follow, such as how many courses you should order and what table manners are expected. With your language skills, you can navigate menus with confidence and feel comfortable dining with your colleagues. You can communicate in a manner appropriate to your colleagues’ culture without fear of embarrassment. (For some interesting insights into global dining etiquette, take a look at this article.) 

Reaping the Personal Gains 

Countless studies have shown that learning a second or third language has many personal benefits. Learning another language can improve your career prospects and has even been shown to boost your salary. In addition, it can increase your levels of concentration and focus, meaning that you are less distracted at work. It also boosts your self-confidence, as you will be able to clearly track your progress from week to week as your vocabulary and fluency improve. Best of all, learning a second or third language opens your mind to new ways of thinking, seeing and appreciating the world. 

Research at Cambridge University went even further and proved that learning a new language causes tangible physical changes to your brain that have been shown to improve concentration, memory and academic performance. Learning a new language helps with problem-solving and decision-making, and it even boosts creativity. All of these positive side-effects of language learning will not only help your career but, more importantly, will also prove beneficial to your little grey cells! So what are you waiting for?  

If you would like to take advantage of all these benefits and learn a second or third language, contact us today. We have nearly 30 years’ experience in delivering language training for businesses and individuals. We only work with language teachers of the highest calibre with a minimum of five years’ – and an average of 15 years’ – teaching experience. You can rest assured that by embarking on your language journey with Language Services Direct, you will be partnering with the UK’s number one provider of language trainers for business. 

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