MasterClass Series

Ordering ‘off menu’: our MasterClass Series

By Anna Sobell

Variety is the spice of life!

Here at Language Services Direct, we want to provide you with as many options as possible for your  language training: we know that every learner has different learning needs, objectives, preferences and styles. This is why, in addition to providing one-to-one and group business language training, we have designed a suite of specialised courses: our MasterClass Series. These courses aim to provide learners with highly personalised training to meet very specific learning needs.

We have identified a number of areas of business communication in which learners often feel they need further and more intensive training, specialist input and reassurance. We understand that successful business communication in a foreign language requires confidence, and this confidence can only be gained through targeting areas of perceived weakness. Further details on the courses within our existing MasterClass Series is provided below. However, much like the beloved English breakfast, you can select the perfect combination of training content for you, even if it isn’t exactly ‘on the menu’. Please get in touch to discuss your specific language training needs; we are confident we will be able to accommodate them.

MasterClass in Business English Writing

This course aims to provide learners with the ability to use accurate, concise and effective written communication to achieve business objectives. In the age of emails, social media updates, tweets and PowerPoint presentations, it is absolutely essential for written skills to be honed and perfected.

Three formats of training are offered. This includes an online course with modules targeting the key components of good writing: punctuation, grammar and ‘making text flow’ through cohesiveness. Blended learning is also available in the form of tailored face-to-face sessions with one of our specialist writing-skills trainers coupled with self-study assignments with detailed feedback and online coaching. Finally, bespoke written assignments can be taken alone as a remote format of training with online coaching from an expert trainer.

MasterClass in Presentations

This MasterClass guides learners through all the stages of conducting an impactful presentation in a business context, from preparation through to handling tricky questions. One major focus of the course is the use of functional language and fluency-building activities; the course provides learners with essential linguistic scaffolding to support and boost confidence to allow for fluent, coherent and natural speech. Later on in the course, learners have the opportunity to have their presentation practice recorded for analysis and a real in-depth look at its strengths and weaknesses, followed by tailored activities to target weaknesses and ensure development. Clear pronunciation is key to delivering a competent presentation; with this in mind, the course contains focus on connected speech, intonation, rhythm, pacing and tone.

MasterClass in Meetings

The ability to conduct or effectively take part in both formal and informal meetings is an essential skill for anyone engaged in business. Confidence is key, and this MasterClass provides activities to strengthen weaknesses; practise speaking for fluency; and provide stock phrases as well as linguistic techniques for dealing with hesitation, miscommunication and disagreement. The course focuses on key meeting skills including; persuading and influencing, handling interruptions and digressions, agreeing and disagreeing, and delivering and identifying appropriate register.

A successful meeting requires accurate listening skills in order to comprehend nuance, facts and opinions just as much as it requires sound speaking skills and this is recognized in the course. In addition to the linguistic focus, our MasterClass in Meetings also provides practical tips on the preparation of meetings in order to ease pressure and calm nerves.

MasterClass in Negotiations

Business often necessitates careful negotiation and business people require the specialist language and skills to succeed here. Combing practical skills, linguistic support and confidence boosting, this MasterClass will enable learners to engage in negotiation and hold their own. Learners will have the opportunity to view clips of real-life negotiation to identify useful strategies and skills as well as analyzing the language used. Further on in the course, learners will engage in role-plays which require consolidation of all the points covered throughout the course, resulting in constructive feedback and further work on areas of weakness.

This MasterClass provides the learner with the chance to build on existing skills whilst identifying areas for improvement, boosting confidence, understanding cultural aspects of negotiation and really focusing on the linguistic skills and devices needed for successful negotiation.

MasterClass in Pronunciation and Accent Reduction

The ability to feel truly confident when speaking a foreign language is inextricably linked to pronunciation skills. It is often the case that accent reduction is the final hurdle to feeling you’ve conquered a language. This course is designed to provide learners with practical solutions to their particular pronunciation problems, as well as covering a wide range of pronunciation and accent reduction theory, practice and role-plays.

Real Time Practice

Aristotle once said, “for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” He would therefore approve of our Real-Time Practice MasterClass, which is based on spontaneous and authentic email or telephone role-plays; this really is ‘learning by doing’. This course is designed specifically with the individual in mind: the learner can choose exactly what language and skills they would like to focus on. As with all our MasterClasses, progress is carefully monitored and informs the direction and content of the course going forward.

As is the case with all our MasterClasses, the course includes a tailor-made Learning Plan, regular monitoring and reporting of progress and post-course evaluation. Find out more about our specialist language training courses and approach.

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